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Know Thyself- Jnana Yoga Part 1

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Know Thyself- Jnana Yoga Part 1


“Know thyself” was the maxim inscribed on the pediment of the temple at Delphi. What is this ‘self’ that we have to know?

Scroll down page to read a longer description and the table of contents.

‘“Know thyself” was the maxim inscribed on the pediment of the temple at Delphi. What is this ‘self’ that we have to know? Is it a question of knowing our own vices and virtues, our strengths and weaknesses? No: to know oneself is to know the different bodies (the physical, etheric, mental, causal, buddhic and atmic bodies) of which we are formed and what each of these bodies needs. If the initiates of old insisted so much on the necessity of self-knowledge it was because this knowledge opens up tremendous possibilities for growth, progress and success. As long as human beings are ignorant of the needs of their higher self, they will continue to surfeit their physical body while their soul and spirit suffocate and die of hunger and thirst.’

1 - ‘Know yourself’
2 - The synoptic table 
3 - Spirit and matter
4 - The soul
5 - Sacrifice
6 - Food for the soul and the spirit
7 - Consciousness
8 - The higher self
9 - Truth
I - Simplicity 
II - Unity and multiplicity
III - Truth, objective and subjective 
IV - The whole and the parts
V - The two faces of truth

10. - Freedom
I - The laws of destiny
II - True freedom is a consecration 
III - Liberation through death – Fate and freedom
IV - Attachment and detachment
V - Free for a divine work

Evolution Towards Light

I speak to you only of yourselves, of realities that exist within you. Even if you are still not aware of their existence and do not fully understand what I am referring to, I know that through my words I am contacting an entity whose only wish is to come into the light. This entity can be compared to a lotus that begins to develop underwater before blossoming on the surface. Things are born, take shape and begin to grow in the darkness of the subconscious. By the time they rise to awareness, they are no longer in their early stage but have almost reached completion, because they have already been in motion for a long time. In the same way, my words awaken in your deepest being a presence, a spiritual entity, which will one day emerge, like the lotus flower, to blossom above water.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov