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The Key to the Problems of Existence

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The Key to the Problems of Existence


This book shows us that our ‘personality’, that inner force of which we are all aware and which so often leads us astray, can be a precious ally rather than an enemy. Instead of waging a losing battle against our lower nature, we can learn to control and use it to elevate ourselves. In doing so we gradually discover the existence of a higher psychic power within us, our ‘individuality’, which is above all contingencies and conflicts and is capable of using them to create inner harmony and true fraternal bonds.

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 The whole world talks about change, the whole world wants change, yet nothing ever changes. It is because human beings need the light of initiatic science to show them clearly what change actually is, and what must be done in order to bring it about.

 Real change only begins with the person who succeeds in installing peace, order and harmony within themselves for that will set in motion a continual, uninterrupted movement of self- transformation and perfection.

1. The Personality
2. Jnana-yoga
3. Giving and Taking
4. Evil is Limited, Good is Limitless
5. Eternal Happiness
6. Fermentation
7. Which Life?
8. The Image of the Tree - The Individuality Must Consume The Personality
9. Working on the Personality
10. The Personality Keeps You from Reflecting the Sun
11. Identify with the Individuality
12. The True Meaning of Sacrifice
13. The Balance Restored
14. Render Therefore Unto Caesar
15. The New Philosophy
16. The Personality Devoured by The Individuality
17. Call On Your Allies
18. The Further Down, The Less Space
19. Your Inner Animals
20. But Which Nature?
21. Sexual Sublimation
22. Toward Universal Brotherhood.

Evolution Towards Light

I speak to you only of yourselves, of realities that exist within you. Even if you are still not aware of their existence and do not fully understand what I am referring to, I know that through my words I am contacting an entity whose only wish is to come into the light. This entity can be compared to a lotus that begins to develop underwater before blossoming on the surface. Things are born, take shape and begin to grow in the darkness of the subconscious. By the time they rise to awareness, they are no longer in their early stage but have almost reached completion, because they have already been in motion for a long time. In the same way, my words awaken in your deepest being a presence, a spiritual entity, which will one day emerge, like the lotus flower, to blossom above water.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov