The Complete Works


Omraam Mikhael  Aivanhov- Bulgarian-born French spiritual teacher  1900-1986

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The Complete Works collection consists of several hundred improvised talks – 19 volumes available in English.

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  • A New Dawn: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science


    A new era of universal brotherhood is coining, the age of Aquarius, a new golden age for humanity.

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  • A New Earth


    Methods, exercise, formulas, prayers

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  • A-philosophy-of-universality

    A Philosophy of Universality


    Human beings are trying to deal with the world’s problems on a global scale. We have created countless cultural and politcal organisations in an effort to create peace, unity and co-operation between nations. But that is not enough. If we, as individuals, are unaware of the need to work for unity and universality, all these organisations will be powerless to fulfill their noble mission.

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  • Angels and Other Mysteries of the Tree of Life


    The Christian tradition- which follows the Judaic tradition in this-teaches that there are nine orders of angels- Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Virtues, Powers, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. Each angelic order represents one aspect of the powers and virtues of God.Above all, they represent something that is more accessible to us than the notion of God. Our spiritual development requires that we know about these entities, for they are beacons that light up our path.

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  • Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition


    The fact that the Feasts of Christmas and Easter coincide with the winter solstice and the spring equinox is evidence of their cosmic significance. So we learn that the human being, who is part of the universe, participates intimately in the natural process of gestation and blossoming. These two feasts are two different ways of celebrating the regeneration of men and women and their birth into the spiritual world,

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  • Cosmic Balance


    On September 23rd, the Sun enters the sign of Libra (Scales or Balance), and this is the autumn equinox. After the ascending phase, from Aries to Virgo, comes the descending phase, from Libra to Pisces. Libra is the seventh sign on the zodiacal belt. Why, you may wonder, are there scales in the heavens, and what do these scales teach us? This is the only sign of the zodiac that does not represent a living being, human or animal. It is an inanimate object, and not just any object, but an instrument for weighing things. It is as though its two pans were there to maintain the balance between the powers of darkness and light, of life and death. Libra, the Scales of the zodiac, is a reflection of the cosmic scales, the equilibrium between the two opposite and complementary principles, thanks to which the universe came into being and continues to exist. The symbol of the scales, which we find also in the sephirotic Tree of Life, dominates the whole of creation

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  • Cosmic Moral Law


    The laws of infinity and cause of effect.

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  • Creation: Artistic and Spiritual


    The laws of true artistic creation are identical with the laws of spiritual creation.

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  • Education Begins Before Birth


    The best education that parents and teachers can give the children in their care is through the power of their personal example.

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