A New Earth

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A New Earth


Methods, exercise, formulas, prayers

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A great many people today feel the need for some practical methods that will help them to grow spiritually. A 'New Earth' responds to that need. It contains a number of simple, effective, spiritual exercises taken from the thousands of lectures given by the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov over a period of nearly fifty years. Some concern our everyday life: nutrition, breathing, hygiene, purification, and our relationships with nature and other human beings. Others touch on questions that are more directly spiritual: meditation and prayer, the development of our psychic centres, or chakras, the aura, the body of glory, and so on. All these methods grow out of that immense body of knowledge known as initiatic science, the principal goal of which is the advent of the 'new heaven and the new earth' announced in scripture.

1. Prayers
2. A Daily Programme
3. Nutrition
4. Actions
5. Overcoming the Evil Within
6. Methods of Purification
7. Human Relations
8. Man's Relations with Nature
9. The Sun and the Stars
10. Mental Work
11. Spiritual Galvanoplasty
12. The Solar Plexus
13. The Hara Centre
14. Methods for Working with Light
15. The Aura
16. The Body of Glory
17. Formulas and Prayers

Evolution Towards Light

I speak to you only of yourselves, of realities that exist within you. Even if you are still not aware of their existence and do not fully understand what I am referring to, I know that through my words I am contacting an entity whose only wish is to come into the light. This entity can be compared to a lotus that begins to develop underwater before blossoming on the surface. Things are born, take shape and begin to grow in the darkness of the subconscious. By the time they rise to awareness, they are no longer in their early stage but have almost reached completion, because they have already been in motion for a long time. In the same way, my words awaken in your deepest being a presence, a spiritual entity, which will one day emerge, like the lotus flower, to blossom above water.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov