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The Yoga of Nutrition
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The Yoga of Nutrition


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This is not a dietary handbook. In fact it has little to do with diet. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov teaches that our attitude toward nutrition is far more important than what we eat or how much we eat. He restores to the act of eating the mystical significance it attained at the Last Supper. Even if this spiritual aspect seems strange, it will soon become apparent that Omraam's attitude toward food can lead to a deeper understanding of the relationship between human beings and nature. Nature supplies humans with food, and if their thoughts and feelings are attuned to nature, they become capable of extracting from their physical food the subtle elements necessary to the full flowering of their whole being.

1 - Eating: an Act which Concerns the Whole Person
2 - Hrani-Yoga
3 - Food: a Love-Letter from God
4 - Choosing Your Food
5 - Vegetarianism
6 - The Ethics of Eating
7 - Fasting:
I - Means of Purification
II - Another Form of Nutrition

8 - Communion
9 - The Meaning of the Blessing
10 - The Spirit Transforms Matter
11 - The Law of Symbiosis


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